(最終更新日:2024-07-12 12:34:03)
  バニアニ,マフシド   BANIANI MAHSHID
   所属   目白大学  大学付属機関 教養教育機構(外国語教育)
   職種   専任講師
■ 学歴
1. 2010/04~2015/03 筑波大学 人間総合科学研究科 芸術専攻 博士後期課程修了 博士(デザイン学)
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 2023/11/29 論文  Effects of Classroom Wall Color on University Students’ Performance and Attention   (単著) 
2. 2022/06/15 論文  Everyday Objects’ Color Preferences Among University Students   (単著) 
3. 2021/08/30 論文  What color is your mood? The association between moods and colors   (単著) 
4. 2020/11 論文  The Association Between Color and Everyday Products AIC Interim Meeting 2020, Natural Colours - Digital Colours; pp.335-340  (単著) 
5. 2019 論文  Color Preference and Emotion among Japanese Students Proceedings of Midterm Meeting of the International Colour Association; pp. 205-210  (単著) 
■ 所属学会
1. 2017/05 日本デザイン学会
2. 2014/05 日本建築学会
3. 2011/05~ 日本色彩学会
4. 2009/11~ 国際色彩学会
■ 現在の専門分野
建築史、意匠 (キーワード:Color Preference, Architecture, Interior Design, Color Scheme) 
■ 学会発表
1. 2020/06/27 Association Between Color and Everyday Objects(The 51th Annual Meeting of the Color Science Association of Japan 2020)
2. 2019/06/01 The Association between Colors and Emotions among Japanese Adults and Children(The 50th Annual Meeting of the Color Science Association of Japan 2019)
3. 2018/06/22 Brand Logos Through The Eyes of University Student Users(第65回日本デザイン学会 春季研究発表大会)
4. 2016/09/17 Color Planning and Evaluation of University of Tsukuba Overseas Student Dormitories(Tsukuba Global Sience Week 2016 Art & Design Session)
5. 2014/10/21 A Comparison on Effects of Art Education during Childhood on Interior Color Preference across Cultures(AIC Interim Meeting 2014)